Seminar Training on Wildlife and Forest Law

par Luc Mathot
Seminar Training on Wildlife and Forest Law

On Wednesday May 7th , a training seminar was held at the National School of Magistracy (ENM ), organized by Conservation Justice under the theme: ” Laws in the service of nature protection and the fight against the illegal exploitation of wildlife and forest resources.” The audience was composed of students magistrates and clerks.

The students were briefed on the different tasks carried out by Conservation Justice and the role it plays in partnership with the Government of Gabon, Law Enforcement and other national and international organizations in the fight against wildlife crime and forest in Gabon. In addition, the current legislation on flora and fauna was reviewed.

Concerning wildlife, the focus was on poaching, linked to the slaughter of elephants for ivory trafficking supply that is rising alarmingly in Gabon and across borders. About the flora, forest classification and requirements for exploitation were discussed.

The speakers highlighted the procedure to follow in case of wildlife crime, noting the importance of rigor in the drafting of the minutes to avoid vitiating the procedure, which would benefit the offender. A screening of the documentary entitled «the looting of African White Gold ” generated enough excitement among students who did not remain unaffected during the presentation which they have paid much attention.

The meeting ended with a series of questions and answers during which a student proposed to open a special chamber Tribunal to resolve disputes relating to fauna and flora. The school’s training counselor also hoped to organize such activities deemed necessary for students at least twice a year