The importance of tropical forests and species for humanity is clear. Central Africa is a range territory for elephant, leopards and apes. The significance of bushmeat hunting as a conservation concern in this region is clearly stated in the IUCN plan and in many academic, and government policy documents. The need for improved law enforcement is noted in the IUCN regional plan, the European resolution, and the draft Action Plan. NGO working on these issues are numerous and multiply efforts to preserve threatened species. Unfortunately, these emblematic species are still more and more threatened and many population are extremely endangered.

Illegal hunting and wildlife trafficking are the most immediate threat to many populations of elephant in Central Africa. It contains significant populations of emblematic species which are clearly at risk from poaching and trafficking. Consequently the hunting of wildlife and the trade in ivory, meat, and body parts has been conducted quite freely. Given the historically weak enforcement of national wildlife laws, providing little deterrent value, the wildlife population has been an easy target for traffickers. Especially, the Asian demande for ivory and prices are huge, for hankos, statues, jewelry, chopsticks,…

Following this demand, national and international criminal networks organize the poaching, and the transport of ivory for Asian markets.